Lord's Prayer in Welsh

Ein Tad yn y nefoedd, sancteiddier dy enw; deled dy deyrnas; gwneler dy ewyllys, ar y ddaear fel yn y nef. Dyro inni heddiw ein bara beunyddiol, a maddau inni ein troseddau, fel yr ym ni wedi maddau i'r rhai a droseddodd yn ein herbyn; a phaid รข'n dwyn i brawf, ond gwared ni rhag yr Un drwg. Oherwydd eiddot ti yw'r deyrnas a'r gallu a'r gogoniant am byth. Amen.
English Translation:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name; let your kingdom come; do thy will, on earth as in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our transgressions, as we have forgiven those who trespass against us; and do not bring us to trial, but deliver us from the evil one. For the kingdom and the power and the glory are yours for ever. Amen.
Line-by-Line Commentary and Explanation
The part opens with introductory remarks and prayer summaries, and then delves into the phrase "Our Father, who art in heaven." Following that are the seven petitions found in the Lord's prayer. The first three are directed to God and are concerned with His nature ("Hallowed be thy name") ("Thy Kingdom Come", "Thy will be done"). The following four sections are on man, his physical wants ("Give us this day"), relational requirements ("forgive us"), and mental and spiritual needs ("forgive us" etc) ("lead us not into temptation" and "deliver us from evil"). The prayer closes with a doxology (omitted from the catholic tradition but included in the mass), whose threefold aspect ("Yours is the kingdom", "might and glory") reflects the Trinity's essence. Finally, the sentence "Forever and ever. Amen" concludes. According to Matthew Henry, the phrase "Amen" serves as a valuable connector for all previous petitions and requests.
Read Also: Lords Prayer Old English
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