The Power and The Glory


The Power and The Glory Line-by-line Commentary

This section examines the Lord's Prayer line by line through the words of eminent theological commentators. "The strength and the glory" is a section of the doxology that concludes the Lord's prayer.

Matthew Henry's Commentary

It is an expression of admiration and gratitude. The most effective prayer to God is praise; it is the surest means to get additional mercy, as it qualifies us to receive it. It is fitting that praise should include a significant portion of all our prayers to God, for praise is the inheritance of the saints; they are to be our God for a name and for a praise. It is just and equal; we laud God and give him honour not because he requires it—he is praised by an entire universe of angels—but because he deserves it, and it is our responsibility to do so in accordance with his purpose in revealing himself to us. 

Praise is the work and happiness of heaven, and all who wish to enter paradise in the future must begin today. Consider how densely packed this doxology is. The dominion, the authority, and the glory are all thine. Nota bene, it is our destiny to praise God profusely. A true saint never doubts his ability to speak honourably of God: here, there should always be a gracious fluency. Ascribing eternal glory to God implies an acknowledgment that it is deserved and a genuine desire to do so with angels and saints above. Psalm 71:14 Matthew Henry's Complete Commentary on the Bible, Volume V (Matthew to John)

Albert Barnes's Commentary

Thine is the power. Thou hast the ability to carry out our requests. We are frail and incapable; but Thou art mighty, and with Thee all things are possible. The glory is all yours. That is, the honour or praise is thine. Not our honour; but thy glory, thy goodness, will be manifested in meeting our needs; thy strength, in protecting us; and thy praise, in spreading thy dominion across the earth. Barnes' Notes on the New Testament.

Adam Clarke's Commentary

By power, we mean the energy that governs and sustains the kingdom. By glory, I mean the honour that will accrue to God as a result of the continuation of the kingdom of grace, as manifested in the salvation of humanity. Adam Clarke's Bible Commentary.

Read Also: For Thine Is Kingdom

                          For Ever and Ever. Amen

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