Morning Prayers


 Morning Prayers To Freshen Up Your Soul Daily


Each day brings new challenges and opportunities.

Take heart, I'm here to help.

Awakening with the sun's rays

Now that a new day is upon me,

Please allow me to experience your affection.

In the midst of the birds' song.

As I begin a new day,

Show me your promises, please.

Shining brightly all day.

I pray to You, O Lord, as I begin a new day.

My gaze shifts to yours.

That I may taste, feel, and see you in the here and now.

Morning Prayer After You Wake Up Early

You are the magnificent dawn, the source of all comfort and well-being in the world.

You are the dawn's first sounds.

A rose that smells well is a rose that attracts attention.

You, Lord, are my source of life and power.

The marvel of life is you, my dear.

That whatever you have to say is of enormous value.

When I read them, I get a rush of happiness and contentment.

It is you who is the beautiful sunrise,

You are the saviour of everyone who have lost faith in human nature.

In the present, you are the air we breathe.

Warm winter clothing, you are.

Yours is the sole source of all that I am and all that I am capable of.

You're a love that will never fade.

Grace and forgiveness fill you up to the brim.

As your buddy, I'm grateful for the love and freedom you've shown me.

Short Morning Prayer 

I'm wide awake now.

to be infatuated with

to be able to survive

to have any hope


Gratitude Prayer In Morning

I'm looking forward to the new day with a smile on my face.

For today's wonderful weather, I give thanks to You. Lord

It's a day of forgiveness that extends as far as the eye can see.

Day of hope, a day of love in action, a day of reaching out.

All are welcome on this day of peacemaking and repairing the damage done in the past.

This is a day to rejoice and give thanks to a risen Lord who extends the kingdom of heaven to us and declares that life triumphs over death.

With a smile, I welcome the new day.

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