Prayer Before Taking Class

Opening Prayer Before Class
Thank you, God, for making our planet what it is today.
For each and every single plant, bug, bird, and tree that exists today.
We owe a debt of gratitude to God for the people He has placed in our lives.
For each and every one of our loved ones, friends, and teachers.
All the blessings we receive each day are because of you, Lord.
Every meal and snack, as well as cuddles, toys, and playtime.
Thank you, God, for always seeing our needs, our anxieties, our concerns, our pleasures, and our sorrows.
You are our buddy and take pleasure in everything we do, especially when you hear our prayers. We praise and glorify you because of this.
Prayer Before Class Starts
Heavenly Father, we beg your pardon for our sins.
Our lives are in your loving hands, and we are grateful for that.
Come rekindle hope in our hearts, minds, and bodies.
Help us put our problems at your feet, so that we can focus on our education today.
As we learn and grow together, please bless us.
We invite you to anoint those who instruct and guide us with the blessing of wisdom and understanding.
Please, Lord, keep an eye on us and keep us safe in your omnipotent grasp.
Morning Prayer Before Class Starts
This new day, Lord, is one for which we give thanks.
Help us to open our hearts and minds to all that it has to offer.
Bird song fills our hearts with new songs.
To see the sun rising and to make something beautiful with our hands.
To caress the new leaves, and to let your love fill our souls.
To take in the beauty of nature, the scent of flowers, and the awe of what you've created.
To savour the wonders of nature and to learn about the mind-boggling achievements of science and mathematics.
Throughout our time together, may we savour our chats and the courses we attend.
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