Prayer For Midday


In the name of Jesus Christ, I beg of you, Father God

I thank you for the morning that has passed at this midday hour. I take a moment to appreciate all of the good things that have happened to me today. You have given me so much in the way of beauty, friendship, and stability, and I am grateful for it all.

This afternoon, Lord, may your spirit guide and lead me. Your face is the only thing I'm looking for right now. Let me share with you some of my worries, the obstacles I face, and the exhaustion that sometimes sets in. Let me feel your everlasting strength as you replenish my life, my heart, and my soul. I ask that you use me as a conduit to convey good fortune and tranquilly to people I encounter today.

The Lord's presence shall fill every new day.


Short Prayer To Enliven Your Midday

Dear Father God, I beg your pardon.

I thank you for the morning that has just passed at this midday hour. Reflecting on the good things that have happened to me, I am thankful. Thank you for the beauty that surrounds me, the friendships I cherish, and the security and goodness of walking with you.

This afternoon, Lord, may your spirit guide and lead me. I've decided to look straight at you and try to find your face. It is with trepidation that I present to you my worries and struggles, as well as the exhaustion that I occasionally experience. My life, heart, and soul are filled to the brim with your eternal force. In your name, I pray for all the people I come into contact with today.

Lord, may your presence be felt in every moment to come.


Prayer To Say During Afternoon

In this time, please assist me to be totally alive, Lord.

Right now, I choose to embody everything I was intended to be by you when I was born.

I crave seeing you face-to-face.

The closer I get to you, the more I want you.

You have my heartfelt attention.

May I be able to experience the fullness of your love.

Realize and accept Your noble aspiration.

For the rest of the day, may this moment be with me.


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