Prayer To Holy Spirit

Prayer To The Holy Spirit
God, I am grateful for the warmth and force of your everlasting light as I draw near to you, Spirit of God. God, thank you for leading me to the Father's love and the heartbeat of Jesus Christ while I pray right now! With you, the wonderful creator of everything has given me a place where I may feel safe, loved, and welcomed entirely.
I'm in amazement and awe of you, Lord, as I kneel before you. At your feet, I wait as the first disciples did so long ago, inviting you to fill my existence with your immense power and strength, just as they did.
In your wisdom and tenderness, O Lord, you have been my saviour. Blow away the cobwebs in my thoughts with your soft breeze and help me see myself as you see me — healed, forgiven, and free.
You are my song throughout the day and my celestial light at night, O Gracious One. Let your light shine on my road and lead me everywhere I go, for I know that I can always rely on you.
We can't imagine how this being would exist without the life-giving breath you provide, All-Powerful One. Thank you, Lord, for your everlasting magnificence, and may I sing your praises to the heavens. Because you are the almighty, kind, and holy one, my life is entirely in your hands. Amen.
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