Prayer For New Job

Lord, You have good things in store for those who love you and are called by your purpose, and I am grateful for that. I am grateful for the qualities and talents you have bestowed upon me. Since the moment I was born, your hand has been at work in the very fabric of my existence, and you have stood by me and provided for me in times of need and crisis. I beg of you, God, to help me find a career that is suited for me. Open your heart to me as I look for meaningful work. That my mind may be awake to your guidance and my spirit may be responsive to your promptings, I will shield my mind and my thoughts from the dangers of the world. Thank you for your consideration, and may you open the door to a work that provides you joy and pleasure. A job that both provides for my necessities and allows me to give freely to the needs of others. A job that expands your sphere of influence, your kingdom, and your will on this planet. In the name of Jesus, my beloved Savior and Friend, I beg for these things. Amen.
Read Also: Prayer For Unemployment
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