Prayer When Starting a New Job


Say These Prayers When Starting Your New Job

Dear Father, 

We appreciate your company on this adventure. You have been instrumental in my education, search, and application for this position. Come, Lord, provide confidence in my thoughts as I embark on this new chapter in my life. When I am uncertain about a course of action in my new work, may I draw on you and your wisdom for guidance. May your eternal strength encourage me in areas where I lack confidence and self-belief. Lord, fill me with passion and inspiration for the tasks ahead of me, and may the work I do now offer your love and truth to others. Amen, in the name of Jesus.


Dear Lord, 

Today, I make myself available to you. Come infuse my working day with your life. Permit me to awaken, to embrace the present moment, and to depart in Your name. Today, I give thanks that I am able to run fearlessly, serve with love, and walk beside You in this magnificent adventure. Amen.

Prayer For Strength At Work

Jesus, you are my strength. Assist me in accepting my obligations with grace. Assist me in transferring each worry or responsibility to You. Assist me in my practise in defending truth, justice, and righteousness. Jesus, you are my strength. Many thanks.

                Prayer For Unemployment

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