Prayer to Heal Relationship


A Prayer to Mend a Broken Relationship

"Hear this prayer, Almighty God." Greetings, Lord I offer you this prayer to assist me in resolving my current relationship conflict. Please alleviate all of my heart's grief and anguish. Fill it with pleasure, patience, and compassion. Bless me and my partner, so we may never succumb to whatever obstacles we face. Fill our hearts with love for one another, and may each of us recognise the value of the other. Kindly touch my partner's heart and fill it with tremendous love for me. Facilitate the uncomplicated development of our challenging partnership. I pray for your kindness and blessing, that you will provide us the opportunity to spend the remainder of our lives together. Kindly ensure that this feeling is reciprocal for both of us. Keep us from succumbing to temptations. Wherever we go, guide us. Always keep us in mind and heart of one another. We are grateful to you, Lord, for hearing our plea. I admire you. Amen.

Prayer for the restoration of a shattered relationship

We've been thrown about by the tides of wrath and pain, and the resulting havoc has torn us apart. O Lord, assist us in reclaiming the love we once shared and in mending each shattered emotion and component. We've been dragged in many directions, swung far off course. O Lord, may your light reintroduce us, that we may rediscover all that we shared in the past. We have abandoned the once-burgeoning love, allowing it to wither and bow. As we return our lives to you, O Lord, come and tend to our friendship as friends. We have only one chance to turn this around, and so we prostrate ourselves at your feet, Jesus. Allow hope to bloom and unite us; your healing is all that we seek.

Praying for a romantic connection (a prayer for the strengthening of a couples relationship)

As we approach you, Calm our brains Revitalize our spirits Motivate our hearts Connect us with your truth. We take refuge in your promise. Take solace in your grace. Allow yourself to be restored. Consider your goodness. Connect us with your love.

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