Prayer For My Wife To Love Me


Dear Lord, 

Demonstrate to me how to be a more effective husband. At times, I feel as though I've lost my wife's affection. Daily living is frequently stressful and exhausting. We struggle to muster the energy necessary to care for one another. Assist us in rediscovering the passion and chemistry of our love. Assist us in reconnecting and communicating more effectively. Inspire my heart to initiate first. Inspire my ideas in order to get her attention. 

I share with you the anguish I experience on occasion. I beg forgiveness for the instances when my words or actions have caused her pain. We can always discover new starts with you. With you, we can reminisce about the good old days and rekindle our love. You are familiar with both of us individually and as a couple. You are accompanying us on our marital journey. Guide us through this trying season and into the summer's warmth. Our lives should be guided in such a way that we can discover new adventures to enjoy together. Remind us both of our first feelings for one another. Remind me to forgive first, to love first, and to act first. That she may fall in love with me once more. Amen.

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