Prayer For Married Couples


Prayer For Married Couple

O Most High, 

You are the creator of all that exists. Every day, we are surrounded by examples of life's miracles. At sunset, your creativity erupts through the skies, emerging from the blooming spring blossoms. We are grateful for the splendour of marriage. As three streams converge to form a single river, you are accompanying us on our journey. You are the rejuvenating, creative river that flows through our relationship. May our friendship be as steadfast as a huge oak tree. May we work together through the various seasons of our life to grow closer. May we weather the storms and rest in the sunshine. May we look out for one another and nurture one another so that we might flourish and bloom as individuals. May we have your vision as we soar beyond the mundane to catch a glimpse of heaven's kingdom. As we change and mature together, may we discover the truth about true beauty. And may we be a reflection of the love, hope, and truth you have invested in our union. We are grateful that we are able to love, care for, and provide for our loved ones and the larger world because of your strength and grace. Amen.

Prayer For Engaged Couples

Dear Lord, 

We are overjoyed to have met and pleased to be engaged to marry. We consider ourselves really fortunate to have discovered a best friend and are satisfied with the intimacy and trust we have developed together. We are incredibly grateful to be your children, adopted into your family, and living in your grace. We consider ourselves extremely fortunate to be planning our beautiful wedding day. May it be brimming with your honesty, optimism, and love. Amen.

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