Saturday Prayers


Lord on this preparation day, I jump into all that You have given me. Might I embrace each part of this glorious time, enjoying the service, relishing in the challenges, engaging with the fun and celebrating with laughter.

Lord on this day, may I enjoy the beauty of the created world all around me. Might I run, drive, walk and sing in the freedom of this day! Thank you that right now I can feel Your love flowing through each vein of my being, causing me to pulsate with vision and life. Lord, on this day I jump into all that You have given me. Amen.

Lord, on this preparation day, I wake to live and give.

May it be a worthwhile day, fill up to the brim.

A day with service, laughter, work and play,

A time to run and sing.

May Saturday be a day I walk

And breathe your goodness in,

Enjoy the beauty all around

And freedoms joy within.

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